Reviews by WheelOfFortuneMan
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To me all the songs on here are tolerable. The instrumentation is okay, the production sucks, and Chad's voice is slightly more tolerable than usual. None of the songs are good or bad.
I like heavy music and I like trap rap. So, what do you think my opinion on the heaviest trap album is? In all seriousness, this album is a lot of fun. Waka and his guest artists have a lot of energy, even if they don't always have the most complex bars. However, I'd argue the lyrics have more depth than people give credit for. He does what 90s gangsta rappers before him did: accurately describe what life is like in the hood. Both the gang stuff and the parties. The closing track Fuck This Industry in particular is great lyrically. As for the beats, they're heavy and fun at the same time. Just what I like. Sure, there's some filler near the end, but man, the rest of this album makes up for it.
Senses Fail is one of my favorite pop screamo bands. That said, this is not their best album. This is mainly due to the production, which makes the heavier moments not hit as hard as they should and makes some of the tracks hard to tell apart. However, there are a few standouts on here. Safe House and Landslide have good melodies, Irish Eyes and Coward are easily the best heavier cuts on here, and The Fire manages to take the rough production and make it sound like the studio is incinerating around them. Other than that, most of these songs are good, but not quite great. Except Lifeboats and New Year's Eve, those two are annoying. Hold On isn't good, either.
While far from the best thing The Maine have ever done, Black & White is an interesting blend of pop rock and heartland rock. Recycled ideas lyrically and a couple of sleazier moments like Fuel to the Fire and Inside of You drag this one down. That said, I still mostly enjoyed this one. It's a fun pop rock album, and it is at least slightly more mature than Can't Stop, Won't Stop. Points there, I guess.
This may be the cutesiest album of 2010. If not, it's definitely up there. I don't mind cutesy, but a couple of these songs cross the line into being corny, and while I like most of the songs here, even the best of them struggle with overproduction. That said, most of these songs are pretty fun with well-constructed choruses and bouncy guitars. Oh, and the lead singer's voice is quite pleasant. In other words, not my favorite neon pop punk album, but I still mostly enjoy it. The Back to the Future song is excellent, though.
Reason for report