Almost Home 2005 Album
4.5 • 0
For me, this is one of the better albums I have in my collection. It features a great fusion of genres such as R&B, Gospel, Soul, Rap, Jazz and Funk to name some, there are probably more here I'm missing also, and everything fits well together. With the lyrical and vocal content, Ellington Jordan has an emotive voice that conveys what he is trying to say and gets the meaning across well. In terms of the subject matter, a lot of it is spiritual and gospel type stuff. Apart from Ellington, the hip hop portion of the album comes apparently from a rapper named 'A-One' who I've never heard of and is on three to four songs. While no Rakim, he does the job nicely and helps change it up. Overall, its an album fairly different to most of what I have and normally listen to and one that I enjoy every time I play it. Best Tracks: Revelations, Dirty Water, From the First Day, Jesus, He Don't Like Em, Much Rather Be
Reason for report