Daily Operation 1992 Album
3.75 • 0
It's a shame that some average rappers get hooked up with acclaimed producers. Just look at 'Madvillainy'. The vapid Doom ruined any chance I would have had in enjoying that album. While Guru is not on that level of lethargy, he reminds me of PMD in that he definitely sounds like he could've used some caffeine before hitting the mic. It isn't to the level of not enjoying the album because of the MC, but I can't help but feel that with someone with some more enthusiasm and not such a monotone delivery that the album could be better. On to the beats and they're fairly raw and ol' school, sound a bit dated these days, and are not DJ Premier's best work, that would arguably come over the following few years in my opinion. In saying that, I enjoy the more jazz-influenced beats on the previous 'Step In the Arena' more so, so make of that what you will. Plenty of these are solid and the album has taken a few listens to enjoy it, but listening to this for the first time in 2011, it doesn't put me in a state of euphoria like the best of the best. Best Tracks: Flip the Script, Soliloquy of Chaos, 2 Deep, No Shame in My Game
Reason for report