2.5 • 0
4 years since Pooh's last album and the drop off is more prominent here after a number of projects that are well worth checking out. He was involved in a bank robbery case in February 2000, was proven guilty and was sentenced to 80 months. By then, he had apparently completed this album which was released shortly before he was imprisoned. Some of his verses, like on 'Mean Muggin', and 'I Got Love', sound like they were recorded over the phone though, so the lack of quality compared to his other albums makes sense as that tells you that this was rushed out if he couldn't get in the studio to record his verses properly. There just isn't anything that truly stands out on this one. Some of the outros go on too long like on 'Mean Muggin', the hooks aren't as catchy, and the production doesn't hit as well. As a side note, it's another album of his with misprints on the album art and the tracklist as a couple of his albums had before this as well. Here it was the tracklist that was messed up. Best Tracks: Fire, Part of the Game, I Got Love, The Town, Murder Murder
Reason for report