HOUSE 2020 Album
2.5 • 0
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The production is laid back throughout the whole EP that suits Lupe's flow nicely. On one song we get the history of modelling, on another, the existence of dinosaurs, (when have you heard, "Megalosauroidea" or "Sauropodomorpha" in a song?), and on another, we get a long boring outro and sound bites about shoes. There seems to be some metaphorical comparison between the structure of shoes and race and existentialism on it. I commend Lupe for being different and I'd rather it than recycled lyrics about suicide doors and how he fucked my bitch but some of the content isn't very interesting. As always there is some originality in the lyrics, his delivery is matched by few and the production is decent but I don't feel like there is anything I'll be going back to from this. As a side-note, at the end of the EP when Lupe says, "Stay in the house!" it gave me flash backs of the Tupac Dave Chappelle skit. 'I Will!" Something about the way he says it. Best Tracks: seldoM
Reason for report