Life Story 2000 Album
4 • 0
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I went into this album without expecting anything and I have been pleasantly surprised. Black is a good storyteller and has a voice a tad reminiscent of Biggie. While pop rap exists here, most still maintains a 'street' sound that fits close enough with what the harder songs on the album sound like. Given it's a Bad Boy album from the year 2000, the production is stronger than expected and songs where the beat switches up like on the title track rarely ever used to happen in hip hop. What doesn't work? I don't love 'Thug Story' that B.R.'s version of Slick Rick's 'Children's Story'. It uses the exact same instrumentation so it's not as creative as it should be. The single, Espacio', has an unlikable, annoying hook which is a shame as the beat bangs. Other songs like the closer and 'You Don't Know Me', both with Joe Hooker providing the chorus, could use a better hook. And I guess all of the interludes that get in the way. Those aside, while there is no top 500 hip hop song here, it's a consistent body of work. Well worth checking out. Beats: ★★★★ Rapping/Bars: ★★★★ Hooks: ★★★ Best Tracks: Whoa!, Lookin' at Us, B.R., I Love You Baby
Reason for report