3.33 • 0
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I've given this a heap of tries hoping that it would grow on me, but the production is just underwhelming. Even on the best tracks, it's more Lupe's rapping that pops out than the beats. This is more apparent towards the latter stages of the album as well, where the final five songs are all nothing noteworthy. Some of the choruses are also too repetitive particularly at the beginning of the album like 'Go Go Gadget Flow' and 'The Coolest', that seem to go on and on - "The coolest nigga, what? The coolest nigga, what?" The best songs like 'Streets on Fire' are great, but the really high moments are sparse. 3-3.5 / 5 Beats: ★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★★☆ Hooks: ★★☆ Best Tracks: The Coolest, Paris, Tokyo, Hip-Hop Saved My Life, Streets on Fire, Little Weapon
Reason for report