Lyfestylz 1996 Album
3.5 • 0
An appropriately titled group who didn't release much music apart from this album, and who are hard to find information on. Some of this is quality boom bap, with a touch of jazz rap at times as well, but one/some of the rappers here have a fairly unlikable voice. I'm guessing that I can attribute this to the white guys on the cover who shout out Toronto a couple of times throughout the songs. Looking at Youtube, [], one of them purportedly seems to be 'A To The D' who released a song called 'The Renegade Jew' a few years earlier. There is also a Spanish verse thanks to Enamigo on 'Backlash', along with some strong Jamaican rapping on a number of tracks making for a mixture of styles along with the African American rapper/s. Despite the vocal issue at times, this is worth a listen. There wasn't a lot of bad boom bap being released around the mid '90s. Best Tracks: Walkin' on the Wildside, Masta Plan (Remix), Lampin in the Layer, Pressure, Wicked, Masta Plan
Reason for report