Rip the Jacker 2003 Album
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Canibus gets some hate for his beat selection but at least he is original. The production on a lot of his albums sound different to what most artists spit over and it's no different here. Track for track the production by Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind on this is the strongest and most consistent he has had. The first four songs are incredible or near enough to. 'Spartibus' isn't as engaging, with the beat having less to it. The high pitched Spanish hook on 'Indisible' isn't great but the production and verses make up for it. 'Showtime at the Gallow' is my least favourite song. I feel it is a bit overproduced. It almost sounds like there are two songs playing at once. 'Cemantics' has fire verses but again the chorus could be better. The album is somewhat front-loaded but the quality never dips too much. To this day his best album from someone with an underrated discography. Beats: ★★★★☆ Bars: ★★★★☆ Hooks: ★★★☆ Best Tracks: Genabis, Levitibus, M-Sea-Cresy, No Return, Poet Laureate II *Written in 2K19
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