Ryan Leslie 2009 Album
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In the years it took for Ryan Leslie to release his debut album, I got both of the unofficial mixtape releases from Ryan Leslie and enjoyed both. I played 'Used to Be' for a while as there were quite a few tracks from it I loved. Maybe that got my hopes up for this. Maybe all his best stuff leaked and were on those unoffical/bootleg releases, but this album is fairly average R&B. It begins well with 'Diamond Girl' and 'Just Right' is good later on but it first leaked in I think 2006, so most would have heard it. Of the rest of the tracks, there ain't a lot to love or hate. Ryan doesn't have a great or overly distinctive voice and it's all okay R&B but nothing blows you away. When you have other similar but better artists all putting out better stuff recently, the only real thing to take from this is Ryan does have his own production style, which if you like will enjoy the album more, but as i said, nothing blows me away. Best Tracks: Diamond Girl, Just Right, Quicksand
Reason for report