Still on My Mind 2019 Album
3 • 0
Dido was a late discovery of mine. I of course remember her huge singles from when they dropped but I had never checked out a whole project until late 2017. I love her first couple, with 'Life for Rent' earning a near-perfect 4.5/5 and from there I checked out her later albums and since then I had been anticipating new music. The singles didn't leave me feeling optimistic though. After the first listen or two it is fair to say that I was underwhelmed. I think the first song we heard from this and the first song on the album is the strongest track but nothing touches her best work. It has grown on me and I've found some tunes to add to a best of Dido playlist but as I said, nothing comes close to her best on her other projects and there are too many average songs. I think 'Safe Trip Home' is her weakest album but even that has songs like 'Grafton Street' and 'Northern Skies' that hold up well. About a 3/5 for now. Best Tracks: Hurricanes, You Don't Need a God, Take You Home, Friends
Reason for report