3 • 0
At its core, this is one of the better King Geedorah, or MFDOOM, or whatever he wants to call himself today, albums that I've heard. However, it could be so much better. All of the sampled dialogue across the 'songs' bring it down for me a lot, stopping the flow of the album. About halfway through 'Monster Zero' someone says, 'You call that music?' which is so apt. When it's just beats and rapping, it's overall really strong with 'I Wonder' being the pick from the album. I don't mind a lot of features as I've never been infatuated with Daniel Dumile's rapping. I think most are good as well. Gigan is probably the one who stands out as a bit bland on 'Krazy World' and doesn't elevate the beat. Best Tracks: Fazers, Fastlane, Next Levels, Anti-Matter, I Wonder
Reason for report