The Dutchess 2006 Album
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I was looking at Fergie's wkipedia page and the amount of copies this and the associated singles sold is incredible. This moved 8 million units worldwide and her singles went gangbusters as well. Then I thought with the success of this, why wouldn't you put out another album ASAP, but I guess she could live off it, if all the BEP success wasn't enough. Anyway, did this deserve the commercial success? Probably not. I remember some of these singles when they were released six years ago. I never liked 'Fergalicious', but it does have a catchy tune and doesn't seem quite as bad today, and 'Glamorous' is one I've always got some enjoyment out of. Vocally Fergie reminds me of Mariah at times, although she obviously doesn't have the range in her pipes. While this isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, at the same time there are some annoying songs I hate, and the production isn't really my type of thing more often than not. Best Tracks: Glamorous, Velet, Big Girls Don't Cry
Reason for report