The Rain 2009 Album
2.5 • 0
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Z-Ro the Crooked is one of the better artists going round in the hip hop genre these days and usually puts out quality stuff. 'The Rain' features some of that but not really near past Z-Ro material and a fair bit of this album is just so-so. Overall, the production reminds me of past Ro material, maybe not so much 'Crack', but stuff before that. It's fairly raw with lots of slow/emotional vibe type beats. The majority of the subject matter is your normal Z-Ro topics about the hood and the bad things that come with it. The collab artist Chill is fine, can't really complain, never heard much from him before I don't think. You'd rather a solo Z-Ro album though. For fans of Z-Ro I'd still recommend this as there will probably be something you'll find. It's a listenable album with that Z-Ro style given to it but it's not near other album's he has released. Still though, nothing too bad and some good. Best Tracks: Mama’s Lil Boy, Mama Don’t Cry, Soulja, False Profits, Rain or Die
Reason for report