3 • 0
I think this is Timbaland and Magoo's worst album together. The consistency is still decent but the highs aren't as frequent or as high as on their previous two collaborations. The bookend Intro and last song are the only quick skips. 'Don't Make Me Take It There' feels like it has an Eminem hook who seems to get dissed by Timbaland on 'Insane'. - "Handcuffs open my fists go up for Eminem/And when he's walking out his courtcase/I'll be walking in." One of the three singles, 'Indian Flute', is the best known song from this album, and I give props to TImbaland/Magoo for some unique sounds and hooks throughout this project, but I'm not a fan and think behind the bookends it's one of the lower moments. 'Naughty Eye' feels like a sequel to 'Indian Flute and is the better song. I don't love the hook either but the rapping and production during the verses are engaging. He was never the most attention grabbing rapper, but I notice Magoo less on here as well, with TImbaland seemingly rapping more of the time. A decent 3 out of 5. Beats: ★★★☆ Rapping/Bars: ★★★ Hooks: ★★★☆ Best Tracks: Don't Make Me Take It There, Can We Do It Again, Naughty Eye
Reason for report