2.5 • 0
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Why does there seem like an over saturation of tennis games, yet none of them are bringing anything new to the table, or are worse than what we were getting decades ago? I played this on Xbox One and the frame rate was abysmal. The amount of times it stutters is incredible. Graphically, it does the job, but it should be better for the age we're in. In terms of the presentation, the game lacks trophy presentations and any interesting cut-scenes. The inability to challenge calls, as it plays such a major part in tennis these days, is a glaring omission, as is the lack of doubles! The gameplay is too basic. It could use something like an extra power shot that is hard to pull off - ala Top Spin. The serving as well is too simplistic, and the net play isn't fluid enough. Some will find the game too easy as the player still has stock abilities, meaning that in career mode the progression of increasing your player's ability isn't needed and is meaningless. The other issue with career mode is the need to play best of 3 sets instead of just 1, or even shorter sets up to 3 games, like so many tennis games have done to reduce the boring grind of playing the easier matches. The game has some licensed players, but doesn't feature the biggest in the game, with the unlikable Kyrios on the cover probably turning people off from the jump. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 3/5 Sound 2.5/5 Difficulty 3.5/5 Originality 2/5
Reason for report