2.5 • 0
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Repetitive and highly unpolished, Saints Row: The Third Remastered is an absurd dark comedic open-world action game — that has some amusing moments but is mostly immature and crude. Numerous bugs are present in the current version (played on Stadia — they also appear on other versions from videos I've seen). These bugs range from aesthetic glitches (missing assets) to buggy menus. For the most part however, the game is playable, aside from occasional crashes. As with any game, save often. The character customization is rather detailed but is filled with visual glitches and inconsistent quality. There is a selection of voices, but they do little (if anything) to change the gameplay or story. Unlike the Grand Theft Auto series, the later instalments of Saints Row aim to be more a mix of an open-world arcade action game with a satirical (if violently nihilistic) take on American popular culture. The cast are all hedonistic psychopaths that care little for civilian causalities. Given the game seldom takes itself remotely seriously, one can overlook this, especially while playing some of the more entertaining mini-games, like "Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax." By the time I finished the main story and side missions, I didn't find myself having much motivation to play after. The world in Saints Row is not as interactive as the Grand Theft Auto games, although its game world seems lively — there is not much to do beyond senseless mayhem.
Reason for report