The Crew 2 2018 Game
3.75 • 0
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I played a lot of the Crew 2's predecessor. I didn't 100% it but I finished the story mode. Again, the map and recreation of the American cities and sites is a strength. While The Crew needed post-release updates, the graphics are good from the get-go here. The racing is enjoyable, particularly the street races. Boats and planes have been added but whenever I've had to do them to progress I have always bemoaned. There are also other modes that have been added since release like destruction derby. There are also drag races but the loading and menus take longer than it does to actually race. In general, the menus are very slow to navigate through. Something else annoying, is that for some reason, when you arrive at a race, you have to go through some gates, really slowly, to get to the actual beginning of the race. Then there is also the time limit they give you to race to the starting line. It's frustrating and pointless. And again, the need to be online to race against AI does my head in. A decent open world racer that tries to add a number of features to the first game in the series. Like I often say with sequels, if you played the previous game to death I'm not sure if you would here, unless you do love the additions of boat and plane racing. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 3/5
Reason for report