Incredibles 2 2018 Movie
3.8 • 0
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First time I watched it I thought it was pretty good with a couple issues, now I notice more The villain is so bad, she is literally just a boomer who says phone bad, it feels like the writers are preaching a bit, and not in the challenging philosophical way thats good, just more of a rant. Also her whole hypnosis deal is so overdone that when I saw it I died inside. Voyd isn’t in the movie much but yikes when she is. All I’m gonna say about that. Violet is like a caricature of teenage angst and it’s not fun to watch. They forgot that it’s set in the 1960’s and not 2025 There’s a lot of lines that are obviously made exclusively for the trailers, because in the movie during the dialogue it’s completely unnatural but works in the context of the trailer, eg “done properly, parenting is a heroic act” is unnatural where it comes up, but in the trailer it’s very fitting. Positives are the soundtrack, animation, and everything Edna and Mr Incredible do.
Reason for report