Streets of Fire 1984 Movie
1.5 • 0
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[SPOILERS]3.5/5? What are you people thinking? Style over substance. Everything in this movie feels so forced and contrived. Rick Moranis' character in particular. It feels like a parody of old gangster flicks, but it doesn't want to be treated as one. The lead sounds like he is trying to impersonate Stallone. When he knocked out his love interest (that she later makes a joke about...) I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. Was that his only option? He is also a wanker, so if he did get killed in the final fight with the villain I wouldn't have cared one bit. Walter Hill directed and wrote some great movies, but this isn't it. About 3/5th of the way through, it's fairly serious and then it has some ill-fitting jive type music as the main characters run from cops that adds to the disjointed tone. It tries to be cool and it doesn't pull it off.
Reason for report