Vigilante 1982 Movie
2.5 • 0
[SPOILERS] To me, this seemed like it needed a closing act. When the credits started to roll, I was asking myself, "Is that it?" Eddie gets out of prison and it all just falls into place. There is no resistance from the gang he is getting revenge on. Some of the character decisions seemed odd too. The old inmate protecting Eddie and the wife wanting nothing do to with him being the main two. Was it explained why the inmate/guardian angel cared about him? Did I turn away for a second and miss something? And I get that the husband didn't protect his wife, but it wasn't like he was off drinking with the buddies and ignored her call. The cast is strong, the grimy setting/cinematography works well, I like the theme of vigilantism and it's entertaining for what it is, but it seemed like an incomplete movie. I must admit though, I didn't really think Eddie's son would get those shells!
Reason for report