Long.Live.A$AP 2013 Album
3.5 • 0
I haven't heard his previous album as of yet, so this is my first taste of Rocky apart from hearing him as a feature once or twice. I have seen him put on a pedestal against other new school rappers by some rap fans, but as a rapper, vocally and stylistically, I don't hear anything above average at all. His voice particularly has little presence to it whatsoever. The production by the current 'in' producers such as Hit Boy and Clams Casino among others is good at times, but it is mostly unmemorable and inconsistent, partly made worse due to some bad hooks. On to the songs. I've seen '1 Train' praised on sites like listening to it will cure cancer, and while the beat is good, really though, this song backs up my earlier point. Rocky's verse fails to evoke any emotion from me, basically being forgotten among the other more distinguishable artists. However, Kendrick gets his agitating voice going in the last few bars, I don't know how anyone can like Danny Brown's voice on the song-I've put off listening to his albums which now seems like it was a good idea-but they still all jump out more than Rocky. The only artist's verse who does anything much for me is K.R.I.T. Still though, if Jay was renegaded by Em, Rocky is triple renegaded at the least on '1 Train'. Likewise on 'Fuckin' Problems', which is okay as are some others mentioned below, but if I want some cloud rap like Rocky has attempted here there are better avenues. Best Tracks: Goldie, Fuckin' Problems, 1 Train, Fashion Killa, Phoenix, Ghetto Symphony
Reason for report