Elden Ring 2022 Game
4.3 • 0
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Elden Ring has made a huge splash in the market. It has shown that gamers are not idiots and that they do not need to be held by the hand at every step. It has shown that gamers still want difficult challenges and the satisfaction that comes with them, and that they are not so stupid that they need to be told what to do all the time. In reality, this is a rather dangerous situation for gamers, as now every studio will want to create its own open-world souls’like, only that almost every studio does not have the necessary experience to do so. We are now in for a flood of mediocre and lame premieres made in a hurry, just to encourage fans of Elden Ring to check out more thoughtless games. We have seen this in recent years after the success of the Dark Souls series, and the same awaits us after the success of Elden Ring. Although I am eagerly awaiting the response from the creators of Nioh and The Surge, but they have already proven that they know what they are doing with this topic. Full review: https://bigbaddice.pl/elden-ring-recenzja/
Reason for report