Reviews by StreetsDisciple
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I've played parts of every game in this franchise, more so the most recent, FH3, and I just don't feel there is enough new here and some of the annoying aspects haven't been omitted. The environment itself, in a way, doesn't feel that much different in parts to the modified Australia we were given in the previous game. There were rumours of the open-world being based on Hong Kong, (apparently based on screens of an unreleased and unrelated game), but something like that would've offered more difference, even if perhaps lacking the possible variety the UK can offer. Once I'd had a few races, and checked out some sights, the feeling of familiarity was too strong for a craving to want to return to this for too long. This franchise still makes you sit through some boring BS about the story that I generally never care about in racing games, plus the crap before and after races. Call me impatient, but it does my head in. The lack of fast travel from the get-go still irks me. It's a nice way to increase the HLTB time but does little else and is one of the reasons why I haven't spent more time with this. Because a lot of this world is open plains, you can often just go cross country and drive like a maniac through the plains to reach your destination but then you miss out on the some of the things to do along the way. I do feel that games like The Crew made A-B driving more interesting with better challenges to complete along the way and the world in something like The Crew 2 feels more authentic than this too. I drive through Edinburgh in this and it was dead. Very little traffic. By itself, it's great, and the racing is great, but having played the series, not so much. The modern NFS games get flack, and I'm not saying they don't often deserve it for some aspects, but the difference between the two most recent games in that series is more pronounced that it is here. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 4.5/5 Originality 1/5
As the title suggests this is a game where you drive buses. Your role is to drive the passengers to their destination and the closer you are to the timetable and the more you follow the road rules the greater your score will be. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 2.5/5 Sound 2.5/5 Difficulty 3.5/5 Originality 3/5
This is what you call a sequel. While Driver was successful, the developers didn't rest on their laurels and tried to make a much bigger game. Vastly larger cities in different parts of the globe (Chicago, Havana, Rio de Janeiro and LA), better handling, more realistic traffic, curved roads (Driver only has straight roads), two discs, the ability to get out of your car and hijack another, are just some improvements. All of this made Driver 2 one of the best non-racing car games on the PlayStation. It does get criticised for its choppy frame rate and poor draw distance (the developers were pushing the console to its limit), and it does feel slightly unfinished due to the limitations of the console and it being rushed to release by the publishers, but for its time its pros easily outweighed the few problems. Gameplay 4/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 4/5 Difficulty 3.5/5 Originality 4.5/5
In a lot of ways this game was good for its time. You play as a cop and have a lot of freedom in a city, which allows you to climb on roof tops, drive cars and talk [kind of] to anyone on the street. So for its time this wasn't in many PlayStation games, and for those reasons I remember anticipating this game's release. The gameplay though is frustrating. I remember that during missions a lot of the time I didn't know where to go, even with the arrows on the map finding my destination took way too long. There is nothing terrible about Urban Chaos but everything in the game seems a lil' ruff. Gameplay 3/5 Graphics 3.5/5 Sound 3.5/5 Difficulty 2/5 Originality 4/5
I had my eye on this game since I first heard about it. Some of my favourite games of late have been ones that give the player chances to make decisions and change the course of the game. Once the price was reduced I snapped it up. Not that it is that similar but I thought of the in/famous Night Trap while I played this. Something about teenagers together at night in a house without deep gameplay I guess. That is its biggest flaw like many of these kinds of games. But it is what it is. The strengths of the characters, the ability to make decisions, often with fatal consequences and the plot for the most part make it well worth playing. The fact that many decisions need to be made quickly test your ability to act under pressure. I killed one of the characters making the wrong choice and I was ropeable. It definitely ticks the emotive box. In terms of horror, it works well. Not all of the attempts to scare worked but enough did. It doesn't always happen with this genre either, or many games for me that I've completed but I've played this through another couple of times as well to make different choices. If you like this genre and don't mind being on edge it's recommended. Gameplay 3.5/5 Graphics 4.5/5 Sound 4.5/5 Difficulty 4/5 Originality 4.5/5
Reason for report