Reviews by AlRog
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Two great singles ("Sail On" and "Still") and a third single that was decent ("Wonderland"). But the rest of this album is the very definition of filler. Mediocre, generic, cliche-riddled lite disco/soul. The album was a multi-platinum smash in 1979 (and the only Commodores album to score three Top 40 pop hits), but it has not stood the test of time very well.
Awful, idiotic book by an actual racist who has deluded herself into thinking all other white people share her racist tendencies. Hint: we don't. And you gotta love the book's laughably oblivious sub-title, "Why It's so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism". Here's why: Because if we talk rationally & fairly about racism today, using evidence and data, then deranged, myopic, ignorant, racist assholes like DiAngelo will demonize us and try to destroy our lives and careers.
Sarah was so funny back then. Great show full of absurdist humor. Too bad she had to sell out to the woke cult, which has now ruined her ability to be funny.
The first two thirds of this film are excruciating torture. The dialogue was just a series of non sequiturs and banal small talk, and the direction was often choppy and amateurish. Take for example, the legendary opening dream sequence. Kubrick could have done it a hundred times better. I'd confess to being an Al Qaeda operative if I was forced to sit through this stinkbomb again. But sit through it once I did. I endured the whole miserable time thinking: it has to get good at some point, there has to be a payoff somewhere, surely my patience will be rewarded eventually. Because after all, this is one of the most worshiped and praise-lavished "masterpieces" in the history of cinema, right? Well, it never did justify it's classic status, but it at least got somewhat bearable in it's final third, where we finally start to get some mildly clever dialogue and watchable scenes. Take, for example, the harem dream sequence. This scene is modestly amusing. But it's hardly any better than what any modern-day hack could have come up with. For instance, imagine if the exact same scene (same direction, same dialogue) were from an Adam Sandler film instead of a Fellini one. Would anyone accuse it of "genius'? Of course not. Sandler fans would get a mild chuckle and the rest of us would yawn. So why are we to believe that it's so great here? In fact, what is the point of this film at all, other than pure masturbation for a narcissistic director? (no wonder film students and amateur directors love it) Fellini lets the cat out of the bag when he has Mastroianni utter this nugget of truth: "I've really got nothing to say. But I want to say it anyway." And that is this film in a nutshell. Which would be forgivable if Fellini could "say nothing" in an interesting or entertaining way. But he fails miserably even at that. note: For those of us who don't speak Italian, the film is doubly excrutiating because most of the scenes are so dense with dialogue (99% of it worthless) that you end up spending so much time reading the inane sub-titles you miss most of the visuals.
This isn't awful. It's just completely, utterly, offensively pointless. That Linklater thought this was worth investing 12 years in baffles me. Even more baffling is that so many people think it's the best movie of the year. Yeah, these are the normal, mundane, cliche'd, run-of-the-mill experiences and conversations most of us have growing up. So why do we need a movie to reflect them? (particularly one that goes out of it's way to be plotless?) Because it's "insightful"? Tell me, what f***ing insights did you gain watching this movie that you didn't already know? It appears that most of the fawning praise heaped on this 3-hour pile is due to the over-hyped gimmick of using the same child actors over the whole 12 years. Because that's the first thing everyone mentions when describing the film. But is it really that impressive? How does the filming-for-12-years gimmick say anything about the quality of the actual finished product? It's just a silly gimmick used to disguise the fact that this is just another mind-numbingly useless coming-of-age film. And it appears the whole world fell for it. Yep, Linklater played you for suckers.
Reason for report